The Facing Seaside III Project and Exhibition
CA Logos
Founded in 1978, CA Logos is a family-owned and operated business that never stops buzzing. The company moved to Fremont Street in Seaside in 2018. CA Logos is a family-owned business run by Roland and his mom, Leslie (founder). Leslie jokingly says, "The outside isn't too pretty, but what we can do on the inside is beautiful. We see ourselves as a mini factory."
Regular and returning customers to CA Logos include small and large businesses, including creating the finest high school letterman jackets for local students. Their services range from graphic design to rebranding, embroidery, screenprinting, and more.
The employees inside always work diligently, going from station to station and checking in on the humming machines. Each machine, placed accordingly in the layout, creates something different. Overseen by the employees, one machine is embroidering a design on a baseball cap, one is punching out stickers, and another is stitching a jacket.
Roland works behind a computer screen set resembling a central command center — this is where his graphic design skills come into play. He can take a picture and embroider it on a t-shirt, jacket, hat, you name it. The creative possibilities they can offer are unlimited. A testament to that statement is the quality of the products they deliver.
The family-run business is truly a community-oriented business that understands the importance of community as a whole. CA Logos strives to produce the highest quality products at affordable prices. CA Logos will go out of their way to meet the customer's desires. Roland says, "We're not the least expensive, but we are the best. Custom everything!”
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
CA Logo Business Visit
CA Logos Business Interview
Name: Roland Beeson
Name of business: CaLogos
Are you from Monterey County, if not where are you from?
When did you move to Seaside?
What brought you to Seaside?
The Weather. We moved from Fresno
When was your business established in Seaside?
What was the main reason / motivation to start your business?
Making custom clothing is just fun
Do you have an educational background that helped start up the business or are you self taught?
Mostly video games taught me shortcuts and macros. School doesn't really help much with graphic design. It does however help teach you how to run a business.
How did you learn all that you do, who were your mentors, or folks who encouraged / supported you when you decided to start your business?
Zach Weston approached us.
Is this work that has been in your family for generations, or did you start this business with a vision of your own?
Yes, since 1978
What would you say is your business specialty?
What are your hopes and dreams for the future of your business?
To start other businesses.
What would be a single piece of advice that you would give someone who is thinking of starting up their own business?
Hire the right people, pay them well, and don't be afraid to delegate and take responsibility for other people's mistakes.
What are your feelings about community, what does community mean to you here in Seaside? Is community important to you?
I've been attempting to upgrade the society, by making them all look better.
How does the community influence and or engage with your business?
I work with a lot of local businesses.
Are you thinking of setting up your business in any other location? Or was it always meant to be here in Seaside?
The idea was to branch out to Salinas and go from there
Do you have any plans for expansion?
Yes, once the business shows enough of a profit.
Who is your typical customer?
Small business, letterman jackets, and large businesses.
How long have you had your business here on Fremont Street?
What is your customer demographic, who are you trying to reach?
Large businesses, and older generations.
Do you have social media for your business? What platforms?
IG, CaLogos1
Do you have a current website?
How are you currently marketing to potential customers?
Google, word of mouth.
Please provide an example of our community in action in relation to your business? Or when do/have you feel most supported by the community?
During COVID 2020 we stayed open, made masks, and customer's complained they couldn't find anyone else other than us to help them when everyone else clammed up and/or shut down. Sometimes they shut down for good.
How does your business show up for the community?
We make everyone look better
Over the years, what have you seen change in Seaside? Good and/or bad.
Housing costs, and crime rates seem to go hand in hand locally.
What would you like to see more of in Seaside? (if anything)
More businesses, large and small.
What sets your business apart from the other businesses in the area? What makes your business unique, desirable or in demand in 2024?
We are very responsive, and don't have minimums.
“We’re not the least expensive, but we are the best.
Custom Everything!”